He was born in Cocentaina on December 25, 1962. Graduated in choir conducting at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Valencia, obtaining the extraordinary end of career award.
He is a Superior Professor of Guitar at the "Oscar Esplá" Conservatory in Alicante, being awarded the extraordinary prize in this specialty. He studies composition with Javier Darías and Amando Blanquer, attending various contemporary composition courses directed by personalities such as Albert Sarda, Luis de Pablo, Ramon Rarce. Tomás Marco, Alfredo Aracil, José Luis Turina, Cristóbal Halfter and Tristán Murail. He further studies Choral Conducting in Cuenca, with the teachers Samuel Rubio, Elvira Padín and Sabas Calvillo, and in Lleida with the teachers Erwin List, Helmut Lips and Josep Prats.
He has a degree in Business Studies from the University of Alicante, and a Master in Aesthetics and Musical Creativity from the University of Valencia. He has been director of the "Agrupación Vocal Eduardo Torres de Albaida", as well as co-director of the Orquesta de Pulso y Púa "La Paloma" of Cocentaina.
He has directed the Sociedad Ateneo Musical de Cocentaina, an entity with which he obtained an Honorable Mention in the International Band Contest “Ciutat de Valencia 1997”.
In 1996 he was awarded the "José Hódar" prize for the best Choral Conducting in the "XIII Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía" of Torrevieja (Alicante), being awarded the first prize to the "Cor de Cambra Discantus" under his conduction.
He has won the first prize of the "I Concurs de Composició Coral de la Federació de Cors de la Comunitat Valenciana 1999".
He is currently Technical Director of the “Fira de Tots Sants Choral Contest” of Cocentaina and of the “Cor de Cambra Discantus”, an entity with which he has received numerous awards.